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How We Organise Ourselves

In Inglés

Creado por:
Mr. Gouk

3.93 / 5  (22 calificaciones)

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1 / 21


What is a 'benefit' (noun)?

What a person gains from buying something.

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21 preguntas
What is a 'benefit' (noun)?
What a person gains from buying something.
What is a 'consumer' (noun)?
Someone who buys goods and uses services.
What is 'cost' (noun)?
What a person gives up to buy something.
What is 'demand' (noun)?
The need or desire for a good or service. If there is a demand for something, many people need or want it.
What does 'earn' (verb) mean?
To get money for work done.
What is a 'good' (noun)?
A thing you can touch that can be bought and sold.
What is a 'market' (noun)?
Anywhere goods and services are bought and sold.
What is 'price' (noun)?
The amount of money people pay for a good or service.
What is a 'producer' (noun)?
Someone who makes a good or provides a service.
What is a 'resource' (noun)?
Things used to create goods and services. Can also be referred to as 'raw materials'.
What is a 'service' (noun)?
Work done by someone for others.
What is 'supply' (noun)?
The amount of a good or service available.
What is a 'supplier' (noun)?
A person or organisation that provides something needed such as a product or service.
What are 'raw materials' (noun)?
The basic material(s) from which a product is made.
What is a 'supply chain' (noun)?
The sequence of processes involved in the production and distribution of a product.
What is a 'manufacturer' (noun)?
A person or company that makes goods for sale.
What is a 'distributor' (noun)?
An agent who supplies goods to retailers.
What is an 'importer' (noun)?
A person or organisation that brings goods or services into a country from abroad for sale.
What is a 'wholesaler' (noun)?
A person or company that sells goods in large quantities at low prices, typically to retailers.
What is a 'retailer' (noun)?
A person or business that sells goods to the public in relatively small quantities for use or consumption rather than for resale.
What is 'trade' (noun)?
The exchange of goods and services for other goods and services or for money.