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Judzea Gatt

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breakdown of clot. Endothelial cells release thrombomodulin that inhibits the clotting cascade. T-PA negatively regulates clot by controlling plasminogen conversion to plasmin that is important in clotting.

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49 preguntas
Breakdown of clot. Endothelial cells release thrombomodulin that inhibits the clotting cascade. T-PA negatively regulates clot by controlling plasminogen conversion to plasmin that is important in clotting.
Breakdown of clot. Endothelial cells release thrombomodulin that inhibits the clotting cascade. T-PA negatively regulates clot by controlling plasminogen conversion to plasmin that is important in clotting.
Breakdown of clot. Endothelial cells release thrombomodulin that inhibits the clotting cascade. T-PA negatively regulates clot by controlling plasminogen conversion to plasmin that is important in clotting.
Breakdown of clot. Endothelial cells release thrombomodulin that inhibits the clotting cascade. T-PA negatively regulates clot by controlling plasminogen conversion to plasmin that is important in clotting.
Breakdown of clot. Endothelial cells release thrombomodulin that inhibits the clotting cascade. T-PA negatively regulates clot by controlling plasminogen conversion to plasmin that is important in clotting.
Breakdown of clot. Endothelial cells release thrombomodulin that inhibits the clotting cascade. T-PA negatively regulates clot by controlling plasminogen conversion to plasmin that is important in clotting.
Breakdown of clot. Endothelial cells release thrombomodulin that inhibits the clotting cascade. T-PA negatively regulates clot by controlling plasminogen conversion to plasmin that is important in clotting.
Breakdown of clot. Endothelial cells release thrombomodulin that inhibits the clotting cascade. T-PA negatively regulates clot by controlling plasminogen conversion to plasmin that is important in clotting.
Breakdown of clot. Endothelial cells release thrombomodulin that inhibits the clotting cascade. T-PA negatively regulates clot by controlling plasminogen conversion to plasmin that is important in clotting.
Breakdown of clot. Endothelial cells release thrombomodulin that inhibits the clotting cascade. T-PA negatively regulates clot by controlling plasminogen conversion to plasmin that is important in clotting.
Breakdown of clot. Endothelial cells release thrombomodulin that inhibits the clotting cascade. T-PA negatively regulates clot by controlling plasminogen conversion to plasmin that is important in clotting.
Breakdown of clot. Endothelial cells release thrombomodulin that inhibits the clotting cascade. T-PA negatively regulates clot by controlling plasminogen conversion to plasmin that is important in clotting.
Breakdown of clot. Endothelial cells release thrombomodulin that inhibits the clotting cascade. T-PA negatively regulates clot by controlling plasminogen conversion to plasmin that is important in clotting.
Breakdown of clot. Endothelial cells release thrombomodulin that inhibits the clotting cascade. T-PA negatively regulates clot by controlling plasminogen conversion to plasmin that is important in clotting.
Breakdown of clot. Endothelial cells release thrombomodulin that inhibits the clotting cascade. T-PA negatively regulates clot by controlling plasminogen conversion to plasmin that is important in clotting.
Breakdown of clot. Endothelial cells release thrombomodulin that inhibits the clotting cascade. T-PA negatively regulates clot by controlling plasminogen conversion to plasmin that is important in clotting.
Breakdown of clot. Endothelial cells release thrombomodulin that inhibits the clotting cascade. T-PA negatively regulates clot by controlling plasminogen conversion to plasmin that is important in clotting.
Breakdown of clot. Endothelial cells release thrombomodulin that inhibits the clotting cascade. T-PA negatively regulates clot by controlling plasminogen conversion to plasmin that is important in clotting.
The interleukin that acts on Multipotent Progeniter to make Common Lymphoid Progeniter
JAK-STAT pathway
JAK is activated when 2 JAK bind to one another. Once paired they become activated and this leads to recruitment and phosphorylation of STATs. JAK activates the STAT pathway. Phosphatised STAS form dimers that then binds to the promoter sequences and regulates genes in multiple key pathways. Must be turned off by negative regulator SOC’s once task is done and can be switched back on by cytokines.
Red Cell Development
Primitive red cells develop in the blood isles of the yolk sac. First immune cells in AGM. Cells populate the foetal liver and thymus to make first mature RBS. In adults happens in RBM. Spleen removes old RBC. Goes from HSC-MP-CMP-MEP-RBC. Mediated by factors GATA2-GATA1. Cytokines SCF, TPO- IL-3, TPO-EPO. EPO important regulator of RBC production
Plasma Proteins
Albumin most common, Globulin’s alpha and beta and gamma. Fibrinogen (clotting). And hormones.
RBC production, happens in bone marrow. Will be manufactured until they account for 40% of dry weight of cell. The nucleus of cell is squeezed out. Differentiation driven by GATA1 and EKLF (From a CMP). Use of EPO for final differentiation.
Factors that inhibit clotting
Produced by endothelial cells, prostacyclin, thrombomodulin, heparin.
Factors that activate clotting
Produced by endothelial cells. Von Willebrand factor, Tissue factor.
Factor that cause clot breakdown
Tissue plasminogen activator, TPA.
Clotting - platelet plug formation
Most factors made in liver. Is Vitamin K dependant. Forms thrombin and fibrin. Initial adhesion mediated by vWF binding to Gplb this releases granule contents and expression of glycoproteins Gpllb- lla. This binds to fibrinogen and forms platelet plug.
Extrinsic clotting
Tissue damage pathway. Trauma – cleavage of Factor V11-> FV11a + membrane bound TF. Is rapid.
Intrinsic clotting
Contact activation pathway. Exposed collagen – Cleavage of Factors X11- X11a – X1-X1a- 1x- 1xa. Is slow.
Common pathway
Happens after either extrinsic or intrinsic pathways. Cleaves factor X to Xa. Makes thrombin form to prothrombin. Thrombin with calcium leads to thrombolysis. Fibrinogen forms crosslinked net that stabilises clot. Adhesion of clot is mediated by vWF binding to Gplb blocks ADP that enables Gpllb - llla to bind to fibrinogen.
Breakdown of clot. Endothelial cells release thrombomodulin that inhibits the clotting cascade. T-PA negatively regulates clot by controlling plasminogen conversion to plasmin that is important in clotting.