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history germany notes

In Inglés

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oriane booker

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the.....and.........provided an opportunity for the nazis

depression and political crisis

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history germany notes - Detalles



59 preguntas
Name 3 things in the bill of rights
Freedom of speech the right to work welfare rights
Name 3 democratic features of weimar
Elected president rather than hereditary monarch universal suffrage proportional representation
Name 2 criticisms of weimar republics constitution
Small extremist parties could gain representation gives too much power to the president under article 25 + 48
3 clasuses on the Tov
Armed forces restricted to 100,000 men only 6 battleships permitted the Rhineland demilitarised union with Austria banned
What was the ruhr crisis 1923
The french + Belgian government responded to german failure to pay reparations, armies occupied factories, and mines, seized factories
What was the hyperinflation crisis and when was it?
1923 ran out of control due to the ruhr crisis, the mark became worthless due to gov't printing money to pay workers
How did stresemann solve the crisis
Called off passive resistance to french occupation restarted reparation payments
When was the Dawes plan and what was it?
1924 an international loan was made available to help Germany pay 121 million gold marks
When was the kapp putsch and what was it?
1920 group of right-wing politicians and soldiers seized control of gov in berlin for several days
Name 4 features of nazi ideology
German nationalism racial ideas anti Semitism social darwinism
What was the munich putsch and when was it?
November 1923 Hitler and Rohm took control of a conservative political meeting and announced a national revolution
Name 2 weaknesses of Weimar's opponents
Poor leadership and planning lack of support from the public
Name 3 positive features of the golden years
No putsch attempts no political assassinations exports rose by 40% between 1925-1929 wages rose every year between 1924 and 1930
Name 3 negative features
Forming a stable coalition government was difficult support for extremist groups still remained high unemployment did not fall below 1.3 million
What was the economic impact of the depression
National income shrunk by 39% between 1929 and 1932 industrial production declined by more than 40% homelessness and poverty increased
What was reichstag fire
Communist van der lubbe thought to have set fire to the reichstag building
What was the fire decree
Decree which suspended the civil rights parts of the weimar constitution police + secret police had right to arrest people for any reason people could be held in captivity indefinitely
What was the enabling act
Hitler moved to take dictatorial powers asked the reichstag to pass a law which could give him the power to rule by decree
4 factors enabling nazi consolidation of power
Terror propaganda gleichschaltung support of conservative elite
3 reasons for support for the regime
- brought greater stability to the lives of many germans - unemployment fell and economic growth resumed by 1935 - propaganda was effective
Name 4 opposition groups
Edelweiss pirates swing youth catholic church white rose
3 elements of the terror state
Concentration camps Gestapo no civil rights of freedom (fire decree)
Name 3 nazi policies (women)
Contraception advice was restricted and abortion banned women were restricted to only 10% of uni places loans could be obtained by married couples
What was the four year plan
Germany to be autarkic and self sufficient involved increased production in agriculture and raw materials to replace imports a massive expansion of armaments was planned
Was the four year plan successful
Partially, massive rearmament in some areas huge expansion achieved but autarky not attained
Name 3 failures of the war economy
State remained chaotic labour shortages held the economy back shortages of raw materials such as coal and oil
What was the yalta conference
To decide what to do with Germany once it had been defeated
What does autarkic mean
An economy that is self sufficient
What was anchluss
Union of germany and austria