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histo. pt2

In Inglés

Creado por:
rabia ashraf

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heart myocardium- thickest layer cardiac muscle-cardiomyocyte elastic artery and vein endocardium - endothelium (simple squamous) epicardium (lined with mesothelium) and pericardium

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histo. pt2 - Detalles



29 preguntas
Heart myocardium- thickest layer cardiac muscle-cardiomyocyte elastic artery and vein endocardium - endothelium (simple squamous) epicardium (lined with mesothelium) and pericardium
Tunica media - is the thickest layer has internal elastic lamina tunica intima is relatively thick fibroelastic layer tunica adventitia has vasa vasorum
Lymph node primary and secondary lymphatic follicles medulla is lighter due to medullary sinuses subcapular sinuses under the capsule cortex is B dependant paracortex is T- dependant
Spleen Red pulp because of venous sinusoids and Billroths cords white pulp looks darker because of lymphatic tissue- lymphatic nodules contain malphigian corpuscles and central artery
Thymus in childhood Hassals corpuscles in medulla parenchyma into pseudo lobules with dark cortex and pale medulla lymphatic nodules
Thymus in adulthood More hassal corpuscles and adipose tissue parenchyma has disappeared only isolated islands remain
Palatine tonsil stratified squamous non-keratinized and crypts crypts have reticulated epithelium lymphatic nodules skeletal muscle tissue under capsule
Lingual tonsil Webers glands stratified squamous non-keratinized and crypts crypts have reticulated epithelium lymphatic nodules skeletal muscle tissue
Nasal Ala Hyaline cartilage sebaceous glands next to hair follicles Small eccrine glands Skeletal muscle tissue
Epiglottis Elastic cartilage mixed salivary glands oral surface: stratified squamous non-keratinized pseudo stratified columnar and stratified columnar
Epiglottis Elastic cartilage mixed salivary glands oral surface: stratified squamous non-keratinized pseudo stratified columnar and stratified columnar
Trachea Tunica fibromusculocartilaginea has hyaline cartilage but in membranous part it has tracheal glands tunica submucosa has mixed salivary glands (seromucous ) Tunica mucosa is ciliated pseduostratified columnar with mucous goblet cells
Mediastinum Trachea, lymph node , thymus epiglottis
Intrapulmonary bronchi cartilage hyaline smooth muscle around the lumen seromucous glands in LPM tunica adventitia is present pseudostraitifed ciliated columnar ep
Scalp Hair follicles Hair shaft with keratinized and non keratinized caps sebaceous, apocrine and eccrine glands LCT in papillary layer
Lactating mammary gland Interlobular septum apocrine glands lactiferous ducts secretory alveoli in lobules
Non- Lactating mammary gland no alveoli interlobular ducts are closed DCT fibres and adipose tissue small epithelial cells in intralobular ducts that have LCT which are vascularised
Testis with epdidymis: Seminiferous tubules with Leydig and Sertoli cells DCT separating both structures Ductus efferent with 2 epithelium simple columnar non-ciliated and pseudostratified columnar ciliated
Testis + body and tail of epididymis Vas deferens has 3 layers of muscle tissue epithelium is pseudo stratified columnar ep with stereocilia seminiferous tubules and besides that there's rete testis
Seminal Vesicles Ductus deferens High coiled macro-tubules pseudo stratified columnar ep with irregular microvilli Tunica muscularis has thick layer of smooth muscle inner: circular outer: longitudinal
Prostate branched Tubo-alveolar glands fibromuscularis stroma prostatic concretions
Corpus Penis Spongious body has a thin tunica albuginea cavernous urethra with morgagni glands and paraurethral glands (litters) cavernous bodies fibromuscular stroma
Ant. part of eyeball sclera (stratified columnar ) cornea that has corneal storm ciliary bodies with iris zona ciliaris
Post. part of eyeball sclera choroid optic retina papilla of optic nerve
Optic nerve layer of DCT central artery and vein subarachnoidal space
Eyelid conjunctiva epithelium stratified columnar epithelium hair follicles and sebaceous (meibomian) and apocrine glands skeletal muscle tissue tarsal plate DCT
Auricle elastic cartilage plate subcutaneous not present dermis is attached to perichondrium of cartilage
Eyelid skeletal muscle tissue hair follicles, sebaceous and apocrine glands
External auditory Meatus Sub cutis isn't present can see stratum papillary and stratum reticulare hairfollicles no eccrine glands