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Forestry quiz 1

In Inglés

Creado por:
Tyler F

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What is a forest ecosystem?

A forested area that is relatively uniform in climate, soil, plants, animals and microorganisms

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Forestry quiz 1 - Detalles



25 preguntas
What is a forest ecosystem?
A forested area that is relatively uniform in climate, soil, plants, animals and microorganisms
What are biogeoclimatic zones?
Regions of similar vegetation. Defined by mature vegetation on zonal site.
What are zones defined by?
Primary climax tree species
What are subzones defined by?
Understory composition
What are the levels of the biogeoclimatic ecosystem classification system?
Biogeoclimatic zones Biogeoclimatic subzones Biogeoclimatic variant
How is are BEC zones written?
3 caps letters = Biogeoclimatic zones 2 lower case letters = Biogeoclimatic subzones 1 number = variant ie. CWHxm1
Why classify BEC zones?
• Communication • Forest management applications •Identify & protect rare ecosystems •Identify wildlife habitat • Establish riparian areas
What does certain vegetation reflect?
Site quality; moisture and nutrition
What are indicator plants?
Plants and plant communities occur under certain ecological conditions
What are bryophytes?
Plants that have no vascular system?
What are the 2 types of seeded plants?
Gymnosperms (Naked seed) - conifers Angiosperms (Ovaries/Flowers) - flowering plants
What are the two classes of angiosperms?
Monocots (Grasses, rushes, sedges, lilies, orchids) Dicots (Broadleaf trees, shrubs, most of our herbs)
What was the significance of The British North America Act of 1867?
Gave provinces the right to dispose of land and timber
What is TEK?
Traditional ecological knowledge
Why do we use the scientific naming method for plants?
More organized and consistent; one name per plant
What is a disturbance?
A temporary change in environmental conditions
What is forest ecology?
Study of the interrelated patterns, processes, flora, fauna and ecosystems in forests
What are the 3 types of soil?
Sandy, loamy, and clay
What is ecology?
The study of the interaction of organisms with each other and their environment
What are the 5 key attributes to an ecosystem?
1. Structure 2. Function 3. Complexity 4. Interactions between ecosystem components 5. Change over tim
What are the 5 attributes of an ecosystem?
Structure: The way in which the forest in laid out Function: Each plant and animal has a role to play in the forest Complexity: The diversity of biotic and abiotic characters in the forest Interactions: The way in which the flora and fauna interact with each other Change over time: All forests change over time due to succession and/or disturbance events
What are zonal sites and what is the significance of zonal sites?
They are sites within BEC zones or variants and are used to identify the subzones or variants. They show an average of the nutrient and moisture level