El mar
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El mar - Marcador
El mar - Detalles
143 preguntas
🇬🇧 | 🇪🇸 |
The bay | La bahía |
Port side | Banda de babor |
La bahía | The bay |
Starboard side | Banda de estribor |
The boat | El barco |
Banda de babor | Port side |
The ship | El buque |
The cove, the hold | La cala |
Banda de estribor | Starboard side |
The sea shell | La concha del mar |
Cruise ship | El crucero |
El barco | The boat |
The dock | La dársena |
The tide | La marea |
El buque | The ship |
The mast | El mástil |
To sail | Navegar |
La cala | The cove, the hold |
Fishing boat | El pesquero |
Catch (of fish) | La pesca |
La concha del mar | The sea shell |
Seashore | La orilla |
Squall | La turbonada |
El crucero | Cruise ship |
To cover | Tapar |
The wharf | El muelle |
La dársena | The dock |
The cloud | La nube |
The mist | La neblina |
La marea | The tide |
Coastal | Costero |
The sailboat | El velero |
El mástil | The mast |
The sailor | El marinero |
Seasick | Mareado |
Navegar | To sail |
The deck (of boat) | La cubierta |
The bow (of boat) | La proa |
El pesquero | Fishing boat |
Lifevests | Las salvavidas |
The boom (of boat) | La botavara |
La pesca | Catch (of fish) |
The jib | El foque |
The mainsail | La vela mayor |
La orilla | Seashore |
To rock | Mecerse |
The shipwreck | El naufragio |
La turbonada | Squall |
The castaway | El náufrago |
The raft | La balsa |
Tapar | To cover |
The wave | La ola |
The cape | El cabo |
El muelle | The wharf |
The crew | La tripulación |
The cabin | El camarote |
La nube | The cloud |
The hammock | La hamaca |
The hole | El agujero |
La neblina | The mist |
Drunk | Borracho |
Scurvy | El escorbuto |
Costero | Coastal |
The drunkenness | La embriaguez |
The barrel | El barril |
El velero | The sailboat |
Land in sight | Tierra a la vista |
The treasure | El tesoro |
El marinero | The sailor |
The merchant ship | El barco mercantil |
Good-natured | Bonachón |
Mareado | Seasick |
The diver | El buceador |
To scuba dive | Bucear |
La cubierta | The deck (of boat) |
The aquarium | El acuario |
The fish tank | El tanque de peces |
La proa | The bow (of boat) |
The blowfish | El pez globo |
To inflate | Inflarse |
Las salvavidas | Lifevests |
The rigging | La arboladura |
Stranded | Varado |
La botavara | The boom (of boat) |
The gulfweed | El sargazo |
To cast anchor | Fondear |
El foque | The jib |
The lobster | El bogavante |
The pincer | La pinza |
La vela mayor | The mainsail |
The trench | La fosa |
The flying fish | El volador |
Mecerse | To rock |
The seahorse | El caballito de mar |
The small cove | La caleta |
El naufragio | The shipwreck |
The straw basket | La canasta de paja |
The shipyard | El astillero |
The launching | La botadura |
El náufrago | The castaway |