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Julio Flores

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Unicode is:

storage for ANY character SET

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54 preguntas
Unicode is:
Storage for ANY character SET
Unicode is:
Storage for ANY character SET
Unicode is:
Storage for ANY character SET
Unicode is:
Storage for ANY character SET
Inner Join is:
Used to retrieve records from two or more tables that have matching values in their related columns
Unicode is:
Storage for ANY character SET
Inner Join is:
Used to retrieve records from two or more tables that have matching values in their related columns
Inner Join is:
Used to retrieve records from two or more tables that have matching values in their related columns
Inner Join is:
Used to retrieve records from two or more tables that have matching values in their related columns
Inner Join is:
Used to retrieve records from two or more tables that have matching values in their related columns
Inner Join is:
Used to retrieve records from two or more tables that have matching values in their related columns
Inner Join is:
Used to retrieve records from two or more tables that have matching values in their related columns
Inner Join is:
Used to retrieve records from two or more tables that have matching values in their related columns
What does casting do and its errors?
Casting in programming refers to converting a value from one data type to another. It's errors usually include data loss, over and under flow, runtime errors.
Unicode is:
Storage for ANY character SET
Unicode is:
Storage for ANY character SET
Details about serverless databases?
Library that accesses local files through MS Access, SQLite, (which is used on phones), and good for application files.
Unicode is:
Storage for ANY character SET
Details about server databases?
Server listens for SQL requests, as well as server based applications/multitier applications.
Unicode is:
Storage for ANY character SET
What does RDBMS stand for?
Radical Database Management System
Unicode is:
Storage for ANY character SET
What does SQL stand for?
Structure Query Language
Unicode is:
Storage for ANY character SET
Types of applications that don't use SQL:
JSON, Document Storage, Object Storage, Image Storage, Columnar of Databases.
Unicode is:
Storage for ANY character SET
Cons of Server database:
Infostructure required, (needs server).
Unicode is:
Storage for ANY character SET
Cons of SQL:
Doesn't scale horizontally.
Unicode is:
Storage for ANY character SET
RDBMS examples:
SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle, SQLite, PostgreSQL, MariaDB
Unicode is:
Storage for ANY character SET
No SQL Examples:
Hadoop, DynamoDB, MongoDB, CouchDB, HBase, BigTable
Unicode is:
Storage for ANY character SET
What 's Horizontal vs. Vertical
Unicode is:
Storage for ANY character SET
Nvarchar/Varchar Datetime/Date Bit Decimal int/Bigint
Unicode is:
Storage for ANY character SET
RI stands for:
Relationship Integrity (foreign keys & primary keys)
Definition of primary keys:
1 or more columns who's combination ensures row unicity.
Definition of foreign keys:
Columns that reference PK's of another table.
Composite is:
PK (Primary Key) that is made of 2+ columns
Identity is defined as:
A column who's values are incremented for each row.
SQLite has:
Serial ID/Sequence/Identity, (generally used for PK's)
A one to many can be drawn as:
FK pointing towards PK, (1 to many relationship)
Inner Join is:
Used to retrieve records from two or more tables that have matching values in their related columns
Outer Join is:
When rows of table A are included without a match in table B. Brings the nulls values.
Hashing is:
(Uni)directional operation (FAST)
Encryption is:
(Bi)directional (SLOW)
Hashing is used for:
Passwords, last 4 of SSN
Encryption is used for:
SSN, Sensitive data that must be retrieved
Encryption keys are:
Unique by rows
Do not store keys in the same database? T or F?
True. Never store keys in the same database.
Data table example:
Customer Table
Child table example:
Order Address'
Delete Cascade on FK is when:
Rows in foreign table(Example: Customer Address) will be automatically deleted when primary key row is deleted (ex: Customer)
HARD Delete is when:
Row is gone/removed
SOFT Delete is when:
It uses an active/delete bit column to flay a deleted row to preserve data.
View is a:
Saved query with typically many joins, group-by's or a complex operation. Works like a table but can't be updated or deleted/inserted into the view.
Stored procedure is when:
SQL code that does operations in 1 or more tables
When to use stored procedure:
Typically to a produce complex reports
Unicode is:
Storage for ANY character SET
Vertical is:
Size of machine
Index is:
A CACHE of row index + HASH of value to speed up lookup of a row to AVOID a ROWSCAN and to speedup database access