College Caesar Latin Vocabulary
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275 preguntas
🇻🇦 | 🇬🇧 |
In | In, on (abl.), into, to (acc.) 173 |
Itaque | And so, 6 |
Persuādeō, -ēre, -suāsī, -suāsum | Persuade, convince, 12 |
Copia, -ae f. | Abundance, supply; troops, 12 |
Tantus, -a, -um | So great, so large, 10 |
Disciplīna, -ae f. | Training, instruction, 5 |
Gravis, -e | Heavy, serious, severe; venerable, 9 |
Prohibeō, -ēre, -uī, -itus | Keep off, prohibit, 6 |
Uterque, utraque, utrumque | Each (of two) 8 |
Etsī | Even if, although, though, 5 |
Pēs, pedis m. | Foot, 5 |
Proelium, -iī n. | Battle, combat, 15 |
Prīmus -a -um | First, 15 |
Fīnitimus, -a, -um | Neighboring; subst. neighbors, 6 |
Pertineō, -ēre, -tinuī | To pertain to, reach, stretch to, 7 |
Accipiō | To take without effort, receive, get, accept, 10 |
Animadvertō, -ere, -vertī, -versum | Turn mind to, notice 5 |
Equitātus, -ūs m. | Cavalry, 5 |
Proficīscor, -ī, -fectus | Set out, depart, 23 |
Littera, -ae f. | Letter of the alphabet, letter, literature, 12 |
Dēmonstrō (1) | To show, demonstrate, 5 |
Efficiō, -ere, -fēcī, -fectus | Make, form, 5 |
Casus, -ūs m. | Misfortune, mishap; fall 5 |
Tūtus, -a, -um | Safe, secure, guarded, 7 |
Regnum, -ī n. | Royal power, kingdom, realm, 8 |
Incitō (1) | Put into motion, urge on, 5 |
Trānseō, -īre, -iī (īvī), itus | Pass (by), 6 |
Gerō, -ere, gessī, gestus | Carry (on), wage, 8 |
Perīculum, -ī n. | Risk, danger, peril, 14 |
Genus, generis, n. | Origin, kind, sort, 10 |
Gallus, -a, -um | Gallic; subst. a Gaul, 15 |
Causa, -ae f. | Reason, cause; case, 21 |
Conspiciō, -ere, -spexī, -spectus | See, behold, 5 |
Noster, nostra, nostrum | Our, 36 |
Aliquī, -qua, -quod | Some, any, definite, 8 |
Altus, -a, -um | High, lofty, tall, 5 |
Duo, duae, duo | Two, 8 |
Ūnus, -a, -um | One, 29 |
Iubeō, iubēre, iussī, iussum | To order, command, 17 |
Perturbō (1) | Confuse, disturb, throw into confusion, 6 |
Amīcitia, -ae, f. | Friendship, 12 |
Īdem, eadem, idem | The same, 14 |
Ferē | Almost, nearly, closely, 7 |
Labiēnus, ī m. | Labienus, 5 |
Belgae, -ārum m. | Belgians, 6 |
Alius, -a, -ud | Other, another, else, 13 |
Contineō, -ēre, -nuī, -tentum | Hold or keep together, 6 |
Ōrātio, -ionis f. | Speaking, speech, language, 8 |
Imperō (1) | Command, order, bid, 7 |
Quidem | Indeed, in fact, certainly, 6 |
Neque | And not, nor (neque…neque = neither…nor), 27 |
Permoveō, -ēre | To move deeply, trouble, excite, agitate, 5 |
Ūsus, -ūs m. | Use, practice, application, 10 |
Ascendō, -ere, -ī, -ēnsus | Ascend, mount 2 |
Druidēs, -um m. | Druids, 6 |
Annus, -ī m. | Year, 11 |
Existimō (1) | Judge, consider, think, 9 |
Longus -a, -um | Long, 8 |
Ponō, ponere, posuī, positum | To put, place, 6 |
Praemium, -ī n. | Reward, prize, 5 |
Helvētius, -a, -um | Helvetian; subst. a Helvetian 16 |
Intermittō, -ere | Interrupt, discontinue, leave off, 5 |
Longē | Far, at a distant, 6 |
Probō (1) | Approve, commend, 5 |
Dēsum, -esse, -fuī, -futūrum | Be lacking, lack, fail, 6 |
Accidō, -ere, accidī | To happen, fall to, 13 |
Ēgredior, -ī, -gressus | Go out, disembark, 5 |
Pars, partis, f. | Part, side, direction, 43 |
Passus, -ūs | Pace, step, 7 |
Signum -ī, n. | Sign, signal; gesture, seal, 5 |
Possum, posse, potuī | Be able, can, avail, 40 |
Autem | However, moreover, 5 |
Appellō (1) | Call, call by name, 5 |
Commūnis, -e | Common, 6 |
Multitūdo, inis f. | Multitude, population, people, 11 |
Nox, noctis, f. | Night, 9 |
Concilium, -iī n. | Meeting, rendezvous, 6 |
Etiam | Also, even, besides, 8 |
Initium, -ī n. | Beginning, entrance, 6 |
Superus, -a, -um | Upper, higher, above, 9 |
Ordō, -inis m. | Order, line, array; status, 6 |
Atque | And, and also, and even, 60 |
Mittō, -ere, mīsī, missus | Send, hurl, dismiss, 20 |
Oppugnō (1) | Capture by assault, attack, 6 |
Imperium, -ī n. | Command, power, 7 |
Mors, mortis, f. | Death, 9 |
Nerviī, -iōrum m. | Nervii (Belgic Gauls) 9 |
Accēdō, -ere, -cessī, -cessus | Approach, 5 |
Nūllus, -a, -um | None, no, no one, 9 |
Plērumque | For the most part, mostly, commonly, 5 |
Constituō, -ere, -uī, -ūtus | Decide, establish, resolve, 14 |
Frūmentum, -ī n. | Grain, 10 |
Nāvis, nāvis, f. | Ship, boat, 23 |
Et | And, also, even, 167 |
Adventus, -ūs m. | Arrival, approach, 7 |
Consuētūdo, -inis f. | Custom, habit, 5 |
Numerus, -ī m. | Number, multitude, 13 |
Cōgō, cōgere, coēgī, coāctum | To collect; compel, 11 |
Obtineō, -ēre, -uī, -tentum | Hold, maintain, 6 |
Salūs, -ūtis f. | Safety, refuge; health, 10 |