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Sammy Universe

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What are the features of the d block elements? (7)

transition metal elements that have different oxidation states forms complex ions w/ ligands colored compounds act as catalysts can have magnetic properties smaller variation of IE and AR High MP and densities

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39 preguntas
What are the features of the d block elements? (7)
Transition metal elements that have different oxidation states forms complex ions w/ ligands colored compounds act as catalysts can have magnetic properties smaller variation of IE and AR High MP and densities
Why is zinc not considered to be a transition element? (3)
Because it doesn't form ions with incomplete d orbitals can only form a +2 ion which has a full d shell can't form colored compounds
Why are the transition elements called d block elements?
Bec the subshell being filled across this series is the 3d subshell
What is a transition element?
An element that forms at least 1 stable ion with a partially filled d subshell
Which electrons are removed first from these elements?
The 4s electrons because it has a lower energy than 3d
Where is the greatest number of different oxidation states found and why?
Middle of the series (manganese) because there is an increase in the total no of electrons in the 4s and 4d subshells
Why does the number of oxidation states decrease after manganese?
Bec the IE increases along the period so it is more difficult to have more oxidation states
How can transition metals have more than one oxidation state?
Bec the 4s and 3d subshells are close in energy = no big jumps in IE when the 4s and 3d electrons are removed = successive ionization energies
What does the no of electrons lost depend upon? (3)
Lattice enthalpy ionization energy hydration enthalpy
What are the two types of magnetism?
Paramagnetism diamagnetism
What is paramagnetism?
Caused by unpaired electrons = attracted by a magnetic field has a larger effect than diamagnetic so if there are any unpaired electrons in a substance = it will be attracted by a magnetic field more unpaired electrons == more paramagnetic
What is diamagnetism? where can it be found? (3)
Caused by paired electrons = repelled by a magnetic field slightly all substances have some paired electrons so all substances show diamagnetism but has a smaller effect than paramagnetic
What are complex ions composed of?
Central metal ion surrounded w ligands
What is a ligand?
Negative ions / neutral molecules that have lone pairs of electrons form coordinate covalent (dative) bonds with the metal ion lewis base the ligand donates lone pairs into the empty orbitals of 3d, 4s or 4p on the transition metal ion
What geometry do all transition elements form? exception?
Octahedral except titanium formula = [M(H2O)6]2+ in aqueous solution
What is an example of a transition metal being a catalyst?
Iron is a catalyst in the haber process to produce ammonia transition metal compounds usually act as homogenous catalysts (same phase as the catalysts
What does the ability of performing as a catalyst depend upon?
The transition metal atom or ion needs varying oxidation numbers need to be able to coordinate with other molecules / ions to form complex ions
What happens to the 3d orbital when a transition metal is in a complex ion?
Usually they have the same energy (degenerate) but when surrounded by ligands = d orbital splits into 2 groups lower group = 3 orbitals higher group = 2 orbitals
What is the difference between the d orbitals in a complex ion and in an isolated gaseous ion?
All the d orbitals in a complex ion are higher in energy than the d orbitals of a gaseous ion
Why do the d orbitals split in a complex ion?
Because of the repulsion bw the electrons in the metal ion d orbitals and the lone pairs from ligands 2 d orbitals point towards the ligands = repelled more by the ligand's electrons = greater repulsion = higher energy
How can electron from the lower set be promoted to the higher set d orbital?
Energy as visible light can be absorbed to from an electron
What are some examples of transition metal ions that wont be colored and why?
Sc3+ and Ti4+ ions have no electrons in the 3d subshell so they are colorless = they can't absorb energy to promote a 3d electron Cu+ and Zn2+ have 10 3d electrons = no space in the upper set of d orbitals so it isn't possible to promote an electron = no light in the visible region is absorbed = colourless
What is the main factor that affect the color of transition metal complexes?
Related to the amount of splitting of the d orbitals = if ther eis a greater energy difference bw the lower and higher set of the d orbitals = higher F (shorter WL) = diff complementary color
How does the identity of the metal affect the color of the complex ion?
Different metal ions have diff electron configurations = colors are caused by electron transitions = diff arrangements of electrons = diff colors bec of diff amount of repulsion bw electrons
How can we deduce which complex ion will have greater splitting of the 3d orbital if they have the same number of electrons? (5)
The complex ion with the higher nuclear charge on the metal ion = bec it causes the ligands to be pulled in closer to the metal ion = greater repulsion bw the ligand electrons and the d electrons of the metal ion = greater splitting of the d orbitals EG: [Mn(H2O)6]2+ and [Fe(H2O)6]3+ both have 5 3d electrons = greater splitting in the Fe ion bec it has 26+
What does isoelectronic mean?
Same number of electrons
How does oxidation number cause different colors of complex ions? (4)
Different electron configuration higher charge on the metal ion = ligand is pulled in more closely greater repulsion bw the ligand electrons and d electrons = greater splitting of d orbitals
How do different ligand cause different colors of complex ions?
Bec of the different splitting of the d orbitals caused by different ligands
What is the order of ligands from weakest - strongest?
I- , Br-, Cl-, F-, OH-, H2O, NH3, CO, CN-
Why does the F- ligand cause greater spitting than the I- ligand?
Due to charge density charge per unit volume although F and I have the same charge, the F- is smaller = greater repulsion of the metal ion d electrons = greater splitting of the d orbitals