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In Inglés

Creado por:
connie beevers

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what is diffusion

Diffusion is the movement of a substance from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration.

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chemistry - Marcador

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50 preguntas
What is diffusion
Diffusion is the movement of a substance from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration.
Why can insects walk on water
It has a high surface tension
What are the particles like in a solid
They slightly vibrate in a fixed position and form an regular pattern but they cant move from place to place
What can't solids do
Be poured or compressed
What are the particles like in a liquid
Particles still touch their neighbors but they move around, sliding over each other randomly
What can't a liquid do
Be compressed but it can be poured
What are the particles like in a gas
They can move quickly in all directions widely-spaced particles move around randomly and fill any given space
Why cant solids be compressed
The particles are too close together and have no space to move into
Why can't liquids be compressed
Because the particles are close together and have no space to move into
What is the equation for neutralization
Acid+alkaline=neutral substance + salt
What is the PH scale
It is an universal indicator which shows how acidic or alkaline a substance is by using colours
How can you tell if a substance is acidic or alkaline
Universal indicator, red cabbage or litmus paper
What is the particle model
A scientific theory that explains the properties of solids, liquids and gases by suggesting that all matter is made of particles, and that those particles behave differently in solids, liquids and gases
Are particles the same shape
No some can be long chains of atoms
What happens to the particles when the pressure is increased
They collide more often increasing the risk of the chemical bonds breaking and arranging into new compounds
When drawing atoms what is the maximum the rest of the shells can have
The electrons can be drawn like this 2,8,8,2 8 electrons
On the periodic table what do the groups down and the periods show
How many electrons on the outer shell and number of electron shells
What does the number on the top and bottom of the element show
Top= number of protons and neutrons bottom= number of protons
Did u look
What is combustion
It means burning
What is a combustion reaction
In a combustion reaction a substance reacts with the oxygen and transfers energy from the surroundings as light and heat
When does combustion happen
At high temperatures
Why do you see a flame when things burn
Energy is transferred as light and heat
What is methane
Carbon and hydrogen atoms
What happens when methane reacts
Hot blue or orange flame
What is the equation for methane combustion
Methane + oxygen = carbon +water
What is a compound
A compound is a substance that contains atoms of two or more different elements