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chapter 13 & 14, sensory & neuro

In Inglés

Creado por:
abbey watson

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the sitter also structure of the eye include the

eyebrows, eyelashes, lids, and the lacrimal apparatus

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86 preguntas
The sitter also structure of the eye include the
Eyebrows, eyelashes, lids, and the lacrimal apparatus
Tears are made of
Watery secretions that contain salt, mucus, and a bactericidal enzyme
The sclera gives shape to the eye and,
Because of its toughness, protects the intraocular structures
The cornea is the
Central anterior portion of the sclera
Four basic processes necessary to form an image:
1. refraction 2. accommodation 3. constriction 4. convergence
The eye is unable to bend light rays so that the rays fall onto the retina
The eye can focus on objects at various distances it focuses the image of an object on the retina by changing the curvature of the lens
The size of the pupil, which is controlled by the dilator and contractor muscles of the iris’s, regulates the amount of light entering the eye
Medial movement of both eyes allows light rays from an object to hit the same point on both retinas
Distant vision
20/20 (able to read line 11 of eye chart at a distance of 20 ft)
Near vision
Able to read newspaper print at 14 inches
Peripheral vision
Side vision 90 degrees from central visual axis; upward 50 degrees, downward 70 degrees
Eye movement
Coordinated eye movement bilaterally
Color perception
Able to properly identify colors of major groups: red, blue, and green
The most commonly performed examination is the snellen test, which
Assesses visual acuity, which the patient is placed 20 feet from the snellen chart and asked to read lines
Today the measurement of intraocular pressure (tanometry) is done
Most commonly by puffing air onto the surface of the open eye
A form of strabismus in which one or both eyes form outward, away from the conea
A form of strabismus in which one or both eyes turn in the direction of the nose
Condition of farsightedness
Condition of nearsidedness
Congenital blindness
Results from various birth defects
Acquired blindness in adults occurs as a result
Of disorders such as diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, cataracts, retinal degeneration, infections, tumors, and acute trauma
Commonly called pinkeye, causes of conjunctivitis may be
Bacterial or viral infections, allergies, or environmental factors
Complaints of dry eye, caused by a variety of ocular disorders, are characterized by decreased tear secretion or increased tear film evaporation
Keratoconjuctivits wicca (dry eye) is caused by lacrimal gland dysfunction, usually a result of an autoimmune dysfunction
Increased ICP occurs in patients with acute neurological conditions such as
Brain tumor, hemorrhage, anoxic brain injury, and toxic or viral encephalopathies
Nursing interventions for ICP to reduce venous volume include:
Elevate the head of the bed 30-45 degrees to promote venous return & place the neck in a neutral position
Types of seizures
Generalized tonic clinic (grand mal) absence (petit mal) psychomotor (automatisms) jacksonian (focal) miscellaneous (myoclonic and akinetic)
Aura is
A sensation (of light or warmth) or emotion (such as fear) that may precede an attack of migraine or epileptic seizure
Types of strokes
Ischemic stroke thrombotic stroke embolic stroke hemorrhagic stroke transient ischemic attack
A TIA should be considered a
Forerunner of a stroke
The peripheral nervous system includes
All the nerves that lie outside the CNS
Nerve 1:
1. olfactory impulses and functions
From nose to brain sense of smell
2. optic impulses and functions
From eye to brain vision
Nerve 3:
3. oculomotor impulses and functions
From brain to eye muscles eye movements, extraocular muscles, pupillary control
Nerve 4:
4. trochlear impulses and function
From brain to external eye muscles down and inward movement of eye
Nerve 5:
5. trigeminal impulses and functions
From skin to mucous membranes of head to brain, from teeth to brain, from brain to facial muscles sensations of face, scalp, teeth, and chewing movements
Nerve 6:
6. abducens impulses and functions
From brain to external eye muscles outward movement of eye
Nerve 7:
7. facial impulses and functions
From taste buds of tongue to brain, from brain to facial muscles sense of taste, contraction of muscles of facial expression
Nerve 8:
8. acoustic impulses and functions
From ear to brain hearing, sense of balance
Nerve 9:
9. glassopharyngeal impulses and functions
From throat and taste buds of tongue to brain, from brain to muscles and salivary glands sensations of throat, taste, swallowing movements, gag reflex, sense of taste, secretion of saliva
10. vagus impulses and functions
From throat, larynx, and organs in thoracic and abdominal cavities to brain from brain to muscles of throat and to organs in thoracic and abdominal cavities secretions of throat, larynx, and thoracic, and abdominal organs, swallowing, voice production, slowing of heartbeat, acceleration of peristalsis
Nerve 11:
Spinal accessory
11 spinal accessory impulses and functions
From brain to certain shoulder and neck muscles shoulder movements and turning movements of head
Nerve 12:
12. hypoglossal impulses and functions
From brain to muscles of the tongue tongue movements
Glasgow coma scale eye-opening response
4- spontaneous 3- to verbal stimuli 2- to pressure 1- no response
Glasgow coma scale verbal response
5- oriented 4- confused but able to answer questions 3- words 2- sounds 1- no response
Glosgow coma scale motor response
6- obeys commands for movement 5- movement to stimulus 4- withdraws in response to pain 3- flexion in response to pain 2- extension in response to pain 1- no response
Post procedure for lumbar puncture
Patient should lie flat in bed for several hours, assess site for leakage, pain numbness or tingling in extremities
Assess for CT scan if use of contrast medium and without use of contrast medium
If use of contrast medium check for allergies to iodine and seafood and without contrast medium pt may be NPO for 4-6 hours before
Primary goals for a patient having a seizure
Protection from aspiration and injury and observation and recording of the seizure activity
During the demylelination process, the myelin sheath and the sheath cells are destroyed, causing
An interruption or distortion of the nerve impulse so that it is slowed or blocked
Clinical manifestations for multiple sclerosis have a variety of s/s such as
Visual problems, urinary incontinence, fatigue, weakness or in coordination of an extremity, sexual problems such as impotence in men, and swallowing difficulties
Stoke is an abnormal condition of the blood vessels of the brain characterized by
Hemorrhage into the brain or the formation of an embolus or thrombus that occludes an artery, resulting in ischemia of brain tissue
The major importance of TIAs is that they
Warn the patient of an underlying pathologic condition
Hemorrhagic stoke vs ischemic stoke
Hemorrhagic stoke results from bleeding into the brain and an ischemic stoke results from deficient blood flow to the brain from a partial or complete occlusion of an artery
Pts with an acute ischemic stoke can benefit from throbolytics such as ______________ that do what
Tissue plasminogen activator (tPA, alteplase [Activasel]) which digests fibrin and fibrinogen and thus loses the clot
For stoke patient problem insufficient nutrition related to impaired ability to swallow, what are the nursing interventions
Thicken liquids with a commercially available thickening agent, do not use a straw
The most frequent long-term disabilities following a stroke are
He i paresis, inability to ambulate, aphasia, depression, and complete or partial dependence on ADLs
Two abnormal signs that occur with meningitis are
Kernig’s sign (inability to extend legs without extreme pain) and Brudzinski’s sign (flexion of hip and knee when neck is flexed)
S/s of meningitis
Severe headache, stiffness of neck, irritability, malaise, and restlessness
Autonomic dysreflexia is an abnormal cardiovascular response to
Stimulation of the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system
Autonomic dysreflexia s/s
Bradycardia, hypertension (up to 300mmhg), diaphoresis, “goose flesh”, flushing, dilated pupils, blurred vision, restlessness, nausea, severe headache, and nasal stuffiness