Chapter 12&13
In Inglés
In Inglés
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Chapter 12&13 - Marcador
Chapter 12&13 - Detalles
80 preguntas
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List some of the following that influence pulse rates: | Acute pain, anxiety. Age. Exercise. Fever, heat. Hemorrhage. Medications. Metabolism. Postural changes. Pulmonary conditions. Unrelieved severe paid, chronic pain. |
List some of the following that influence pulse rates: | Acute pain, anxiety. Age. Exercise. Fever, heat. Hemorrhage. Medications. Metabolism. Postural changes. Pulmonary conditions. Unrelieved severe paid, chronic pain. |
What are signs? | Objective data. |
List some of the following that influence pulse rates: | Acute pain, anxiety. Age. Exercise. Fever, heat. Hemorrhage. Medications. Metabolism. Postural changes. Pulmonary conditions. Unrelieved severe paid, chronic pain. |
What are symptoms? | Subjective data. |
List some of the following that influence pulse rates: | Acute pain, anxiety. Age. Exercise. Fever, heat. Hemorrhage. Medications. Metabolism. Postural changes. Pulmonary conditions. Unrelieved severe paid, chronic pain. |
A pathological condition of the body, is any disturbance of a structure or function of the body? | Disease. |
A type of disease that develops slowly and persist over a long period, often for a person's lifetime. | Chronic disease. |
List the following risk factors for disease: | Genetic and Physiological. Age. Environmental. Lifestyle. |
Another word for erythema? | Redness. |
Another word for edema? | Swelling. |
List the following origins of disease: | Hereditary. Congenital. Inflammatory. Degrative. Infectious. Deficiency. Metabolic. Neoplastic. Environmental. |
List some of the following positions for examination: | Sitting. Supine. Dorsal recumbent. Lithotomy. Sims. Prone. Lateral recumbent. Knee-chest. |
List the following physical assessment techniques: | Inspection. Auscultation. Palpation. Percussion. |
List the following guidelines for obtaining vital signs? | Measuring vital signs correctly. Understanding and interpreting the values. Communicating findings appropriately. Beginning interventions as needed. |
A pulse represents the actual beating of the heart. | Apical pulse. |
The act of breathing inhaling and exhaling? | Respiration. |
Breathing with difficulty. | Dyspnea. |
When the body temperature is abnormally low. | Hypothermia. |
List the following sites for temperature for measurement. | Oral. Rectal. Axilla. Tympanic. Temporal artery. |
List some of the following that influence pulse rates: | Acute pain, anxiety. Age. Exercise. Fever, heat. Hemorrhage. Medications. Metabolism. Postural changes. Pulmonary conditions. Unrelieved severe paid, chronic pain. |
What is the normal body temperature? | 98.6*F (37*C). |
What helps the body maintain a balance between heat lost and heat produced by the body. | Hypothalamus. |
Body temperature falls into what two categories? | Core temperature. Surface temperature. |
What is the average pulse rate for an adult? | Between 60 and 100 beats per minute. |
Feels full and spring like even under moderate pressure. | 4+ Bounding pulse. |
Easily felt but not palpable when moderate pressure applied. | 3+ Normal pulse. |
Difficult to feel; not palpable when slight pressure applied. | 1+ Thready pulse. |
No pulse felt. | 0 Absent pulse. |
A dome-shaped fibrous muscle partition that separates the thoracic and abdominal cavities. | The diaphragm. |
What part of the body maintains a balance between heat production and heat loss, regulating body temperature? | Hypothalamus. |
A relative measure sensible heat or cold. | Temperature. |
What are the following classification of a fever? | Constant. Intermittent. Remittent. |
A type of fever that rise and falls? | Intermittent. |
The scanning of the eardrum membrane. | Tympanic temperature. |
List the following pulse sites: | Temporal pulse. Carotid pulse. Apical pulse. Brachial pulse. Radial pulse. Femoral pulse. Popliteal pulse. Dorsalis pedis. Posterior tibial. |
What are the 2 parts of cycle of external respirations? | Inspirations. Expirations. |
An abnormal pattern of respiration characterized by alternating periods of apnea and deep rapid breathing. | Cheyne-Stokes respirations. |
When a blood pressure is below normal. | Hypotension. |
A drop of 25 mm Hg un systolic pressure and a drop of 10mm Hg in diastolic pressure when a person moves from lying to sitting position. | Orthostatic hypertension. |
A device for measuring the arterial blood pressure. | Sphygmomanometer. |