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Cell Interphase

In Inglés

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Can mRNA link with any tRNA?

No, each mRNA codon only matches with one specific tRNA anticodon with a specific amino acid

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Cell Interphase - Detalles



31 preguntas
Can mRNA link with any tRNA?
No, each mRNA codon only matches with one specific tRNA anticodon with a specific amino acid
Cell growth & development phase before division
Protein Synthesis
Cell grows & develops by synthesizing (making) the proteins that give organisms their traits and characteristics from DNA & RNA
DNA Replication
DNA is replicated, so when the cell divides each new cell doesn’t end up with only half the required amount of DNA
Newly replicated DNA is checked for errors before the cell divides
Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA)
Instructional genetic code for making the proteins that give living things their traits & characteristics Double Helix shape inside nucleus in Eukaryotic cells
Ribonucleic Acid (RNA)
Single stranded; uses DNA’s instructions to make proteins
Deoxyribose Sugar in DNA or Ribose in RNA Phosphate (P) Nitrogen Base: Cytosine Guanine Adenine Thymine in DNA or Uracil in RNA
Amino Acids
Monomer building block
Functions of Protein
Traits are expressed by proteins Enzyme proteins catalyze (speed up) chemical rxns Structure (hair, nails, muscles) Transport substances Ex: Hemoglobin allows red blood cells to transport oxygen Hormone chemical messengers Some hormones are also lipids
Base Pairing
Hydrogen Bonds connect the nitrogen bases Cytosine to Guanine (“CG”) and Adenine to Thymine (“AT”) in DNA to form double helix or Adenine to Uracil (“AU”) in RNA
DNA Replication
Two new sets of DNA are produced. Each set consists of an original template strand and a new complementary strand.While still in the nucleus, the two new sets of DNA begin to condense into Chromatin and eventually into separate structures called Chromosomes
When does DNA replication occur?
While still in the nucleus, the two new sets of DNA begin to condense into Chromatin and eventually into separate structures called Chromosomes
WHat happens when an error is detected?
If an error is detected, but can’t be corrected, the cell will either not divide or it may actually self-destruct
Random changes in either DNA base letters, genes (which code for proteins) or chromosomes
What is duplication?
It is a change in the genes and chromosomes and can sometimes cause down syndrome
What is down syndrome?
Down Syndrome or Trisomy 21 is a third chromosome at “pair 21” causing physical, intellectual disabilities
What is translocation?
It is when part of one chromosome breaks off & attaches to another and involves changes in the two chromosomes
What can Translocation cause?
Schizophrenia which results in a person seeing hallucinations
What is inversion?
It is a change in the genes leaving symptoms to vary
Types of RNA
Messenger (mRNA) Ribosomal (rRNA) Transfer (tRNA)
Messenger RNA (mRNA) is made, which sends a copy of DNA’s instructional code from the cell nucleus to a protein-making Ribosome organelle outside of the nucleus
Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) in Ribosome organelles read and translate mRNA’s copy of DNA’s code to make the instructed protein
Cell organelles that read and interpret mRNA’s copy of DNA’s genetic code to make the instructed protein
Where are ribosomes located?
Ribosomes are made and located on the Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum organelle and in the cytoplasm of the cell
In the cell’s nucleus, an enzyme unzips double helix DNA The enzyme builds Messenger RNA (mRNA) by matching RNA nucleotide building blocks to the template DNA strand according to proper base pairing rules (C-G and A-U). The newly built mRNA carries a matching copy of DNA’s instructional code for one gene outside the nucleus
Codes for a protein
The mRNA from the nucleus is sent through a Ribosome organelle. The Ribosome organelle reads the mRNA’s copy of the instructional code three nucleotide nitrogen base letters at a time As the tRNA transfers amino acids, the Ribosome links them together, detaches and condenses into a Protein!
Random combination of three nucleotide nitrogen base letters that code for one amino acid building block in a protein
Can mRNA link with any tRNA?
No, each mRNA codon only matches with one specific tRNA anticodon with a specific amino acid