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Cardiovascular session 6

In Inglés

Creado por:
Satvika Sinha

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Cardiac output =....

Stroke volume * heart rate

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Cardiovascular session 6 - Detalles



15 preguntas
Cardiac output =....
Stroke volume * heart rate
Define stroke volume
Stroke volume is the difference between the end diastolic volume end systolic volume
What is the ventricular compliance curve?
Relationship between venous pressure and ventricular volume. The higher the venous pressure the more the heart fills in diastole.
What is preload?
Tension on the ventricular wall at the end of diastole (just before contraction) The more stretched the myocytes the greater contraction which can occur.
Starlings Law
The more the heart fills, the harder it contracts. The harder it contracts the bigger the stroke volume. (Rise in venous pressure automatically leads to rise in stroke volume)
End systolic volume
How much the ventricle empties depends on: How hard it contracts How hard it is to eject blood (Resistance)
What is afterload?
The tension the ventricular wall during contraction, (it is the resistance that must be overcome for the ventricle to eject it's content). It is approximated by systolic ventricular (or arterial) pressure.
How to falls in arterial pressure lead to increased heart rate?
Increasing sympathetic activity (increase contractility) Reducing parasympathetic activity
What does rise in venous pressure cause
Increase stroke volume (Starlings Law) increase heart rate (reduced parasympathetic activity)
What does vasodilation from eating do?
Total peripheral resistance falls Venous pressure rises Arterial pressure falls
What affects will exercise have on pressure of vasculature?
Venous pressure increases greatly Arterial pressure decreases greatly
What does overfilling the heart lead to?
Lowers stroke volume, since heart is not as efficient. Risk of pulmonary oedema, since outputs of left and right cannot be matched
Standing up affect on CVP
It would fall, since blood pools in the legs. Since CVP falls, cardiac output would fall (Starlings law) So arterial pressure falls, this is detected by baroreceptors, which raise heart rate. If reflexes don't work, you can have postural hypotension.