Cardiopulmonary resuscitation
In Inglés
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Cardiopulmonary resuscitation - Marcador
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation - Detalles
16 preguntas
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What is Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation? | Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is the use of chest compressions and artificial ventilation to maintain circulatory flow and oxygenation during cardiac arrest |
What are the Goals of CPR? | To maintain proper circulation. To establish an opened airway. To initiate breathing. |
Causes of Cardiopulmonary Arrest | Hypoxia Hypovolemia Hypo / Hyperthermia Hypo / Hyperglycemia Hypo / Hyperkalemia Hypo / Hypercalcemia Hydrogen ion (acidosis / Alkalosis ) Tamponed Tension Pneumothorax Toxins Thrombosis (pulmonary / cardiac ) Trauma |
Signs of Cardiopulmonary Arrest | Loss of consciousness Pulseless in large arteries. Minimal or absent respiration. Dilated pupils. |
Indications of CPR: | The most common non-perfusing arrhythmias include the following: 1- Ventricular fibrillation (VF) 2- Pulseless ventricular tachycardia (VT) 3- Pulseless electrical activity (PEA) 4- Asystole 5- Pulseless bradycardia |
What is chain of survival ? | The interventions that contribute to a successful outcome after the cardiac arrest can be conceptualized as the chain of survival Immediate Recognition and Activation of Emergency Response Early Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) Rapid Defibrillation Effective Advanced Cardiac Life Support Integrated Post-Cardiac Arrest Care |
The sequence of technique as the following steps (SRAP CAB D): | S Safety R Responsiveness and respiratory check A Activation P Position C Circulation A Airway B Breathing D Defibrillation |
Procedure steps SRAP CAPD What letter S is indicated?c | Ensure safety Ensure that the environment is safe Use body substance isolation Check responsiveness & breathing. Tap the victim's shoulder firmly Say (Are you okay?) Don’t move injured person. If : Responsive: check for injuries & reassess Unresponsive: shout & call for help |
What is letter A indicated? | Activate emergency response system (EMS) get crash cart N.B:For drowning victim or victim of asphyxia arrest ,give 5 cycles of CPR 2 minutes before leaving the victim |
What is letter R indicated | Recognition for patient is unconscious and unresponsive or not |
What is letter P indicated | Check Pulse and Respiration at the same time for less than 10 seconds Put patient on flat position Use Backboard |
What is letter C indicated ? | Chest compressions: High quality CPR Push hard ( at least or more than 2 inches (5cm) and fast (>100/min ) and allow complete chest recoil ) Minimize interruptions in compressions Avoid excessive ventilation Rotate compressor every 2 minutes If no advanced airway 30:2 compression –ventilation ration. |
What is letter A indicated ? | Use the head tilt-chin lift maneuver for the victim without evidence of head or neck trauma. Use jaw-thrust maneuver if suspecting cervical spine injury. |
What is letter B indicated ? | Begin rescue breathing : Hold the patients air way open Give 2 rescue breathing using MRB or mouth to mouth begin rescue breathing : Squeeze a 1-L adult bag about two thirds of its volume or a 2-L adult bag about one third of its volume Deliver each rescue breath over 1 sec Use compressions to ventilations ratio 30:2. |
What is letter D indicated ? | Early Defibrillation with an AED(if available) If you have access to an automated external defibrillator (AED), continue to do CPR until you can attach it to the victim and turn it on. |
When to stop CPR? | If the person revives (breathing and pulse returned) Replaced by another trained rescuer Too exhausted to continue Cardiac arrest lasts longer than 30 minutes |