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Biology EOY 8

In Inglés

Creado por:
Jack Ellis

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Microscopic single-called organs

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Biology EOY 8 - Detalles



30 preguntas
Microscopic single-called organs
What are the 5 kingdoms
What engulfs pathogens
White blood cells
What are antibodies
Antibodies bind to antigens and the pathogen
What’s in vaccines
A dead/weakened version of the virus
What are the 7 food groups
Protein,Carbohydrates,Fats/lipids,Fibre, Vitamins,Minerals,Water
What are fat molecules made up of
Glycerol and fatty acids
What tests for vitamin c
What is a Hydroponic plant
A plant that doesn’t need soil to grow
What is the chemical reaction of photosynthesis
Carbon dioxide + water -> Glucose + Oxygen
Why does photosyntheses happen more in the day
Because light is more frequent in the day
What is the waxy cuticle adapted for
A waterproof coating for the leaf
What does the stoma do
Allows gases to enter and exit the leaf
What is transpiration
Where water evaporates from the leaf
What does spongy and palisade mesophyll do
Allows water to travel through the leaf
What is a colony
A community of animals or plants
What is an independent variable
The variable that CHANGES
What is a dependant variable
A variable that DOESNT CHANGE
What is a control variable
A variable that can be ADDED
What is a vaccine
Additional defence for the body