Anatomy & Physiology
Basic course to assist those studying at SCQF Level 5
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Anatomy & Physiology - Detalles
95 preguntas
🇬🇧 | 🇬🇧 |
What is the function of the sternum? | Protect the heart |
What organs does the rib cage protect? | Heart & Lungs |
What type of bone is the skull | Flat bone |
Yellow bone marrow is found within certain bones, what is its function? | Storage of fats (triglycerides) |
Red bone marrow is found within certain bones, what is its function? | Blood cell production. |
What training effect can long term resistance training have on bones? | Increased bone strength and density |
What training effect can long term resistance training have on ligaments & tendons? | Increase in size and strength |
What effect does training have on bone mineral storage? | It increases bone mineral storage. |
What effect does training have on the skeletal joints? | Improved range of motion |
What type of training has best results for increasing bone strength and density? | Resistance training. |
What long term effect does resistance training have on the muscles? | Hypertrophy (increase in size of muscle) / Hyperplasia (increase in number of muscle fibres) |
What long term effect does exercise have on movement patterns/skill development? | Improved muscle coordination |
What long term effect does training have on heart rate? | Decreases resting heart rate. |
What long term effect does training have on blood vessels? | Increased capillarisation |
What effect does long term training have on the stroke volume of your heart? | It increases stroke volume. |
How does training effect cardiac output in the long term? | It increases cardiac output. |
What effect does training have on tidal volume? | Tidal volume increases |
What effect does training have on gaseous exchange? | It increases efficiency of gaseous exchange. |
Identify the coloured bones | Carpals |
Name the bone shaded red. | Cranium |
Name the bone shaded red. | Humerus |
Name the bone shaded green. | Mandible |
Name the bones shaded red. | Metacarpals |
Name the bone shaded green. | Metatarsals |
Name the bone shaded red. | Patella |
Name the bone shaded red. | Pelvic Girdle |
Name the bones shaded red. | Phalanges |
Name the bone shaded red. | Phalanges |
Name the bone shaded red. | Scapula |
Name the bone shaded red. | Sternum |
Name the coloured bones | Tarsals |
Name the bone shaded red. | Vertabrae Column |
Name the muscle in the picture with line pointing to it | Biceps brachii |
Name the muscles in the picture shaded red | External obliques |
Name the muscle in the picture shaded green | Gastrocnemius |
Name the muscle in the picture shaded red | Gluteus Maximus |
Name the muscles in the picture shaded green | Rectus Abdominis |
Name the muscle in the picture shaded red | Latissimus Dorsi |
Name the muscle in the picture shaded red | Pectoralis Major |
Name the muscle in the picture shaded red | Tibialis Anterior |
Name the muscles in the picture that are coloured | Triceps brachii |
Name the muscle in the picture shaded green | Brachioradialis |
Name the muscle in the picture shaded green | Erector Spinae |
Name the muscle in the picture shaded green | Vastus Medialis |
Name the part of the heart that the arrow points to | Pulmonary Artery |
Name the part of the heart that the arrow points to | Left Ventricle |
Name the part of the heart that the arrow points to | Pulmonary Vein |
Name the part of the heart that the arrow points to | Right Ventricle |
Name the part of the heart that the arrow points to | Superior Vena Cava |
Name the part identified by the black line | Bronchioles |
Name the part identified by the black line | Nasal Cavity |
Name the part identified by the black line | Oral Cavity |
Identify the coloured bones | Carpals |
Name the bone shaded red. | Cranium |
Name the bone shaded red. | Humerus |
Name the bone shaded green. | Mandible |
Name the bones shaded red. | Metacarpals |
Name the bone shaded green. | Metatarsals |
Name the bone shaded red. | Patella |
Name the bone shaded red. | Pelvic Girdle |
Name the bones shaded red. | Phalanges |
Name the bone shaded red. | Phalanges |
Name the bone shaded red. | Scapula |
Name the bone shaded red. | Sternum |
Name the coloured bones | Tarsals |
Name the bone shaded red. | Vertabrae Column |
What type of bone is the skull | Flat Bone |
What type of bone is the Femur? | Long Bone |
What type of bone are the carpals? | Short bone |